
Is it just me or has this weekend really felt like spring?

Apart from an hour I spent standing outside taking the full brunt of a howling freezing wind on a job today, (always nice to have to work on a Sunday) I’ve been amazed, not just at the mildness but how soft and springlike it feels. If that makes any sense whatsoever πŸ™‚

I had a lie-in yesterday (although not for as long as I’d have liked – thanks, neighbours, for deciding to get the hoover out at 8.30am) and time in the morning to make breakfast:

Carrot cake pancakes but without the blueberries mixed into the batter. I much prefer them crisp and juicy on top thanΒ soft and cooked inside.

I then went out on my bike to pay the mechanics who serviced my car last week. I was very grateful for their making it no longer feel like it’s going to fall apart – even if the driver’s door won’t lock or unlock and the passenger side window won’t open… details πŸ™‚

Unfortunately, I’d forgotten how hilly the way is and hadn’t realised how windy it was. I cheated and came back a less hilly way but it’s always good to feel really exercised… and all I can say is thatΒ if 10 minutes on the Flabelos machine is more than equivalent to that then I’m a cauliflower…. πŸ™‚

As a reward (although if I’m being honest, I’d have done it anyway) I made some more of these coconut cookies:

This was a new jar of coconut butter so it was much more liquid and the cookies came out much thinner and crisper. Both delicious though, as were these:

A cashew butter version… this is seriously the recipe that just keeps giving πŸ™‚

And as I only had about five hours’ sleep last night and I can’t handle that like I used to, I think I might just have to scarf down a few (more) of the delectable cookies and take myself to bed. Have a great week!

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28 Responses to Spring?

  1. Maria says:

    Yes it is so mild today- Andy went out for a run and I opened the windows to let in some fresh air- he got back about an hour later and I realised I had left them open all that time- normally at the moment I give in and shut them after about 10 mins!

  2. Hmm can’t say it feels like spring here… it was 2 degrees this morning haha

  3. Winter is still roaring here in Chicago. I’m not sure whether I’m ready for spring though.

  4. Those cookies look amazing! Its starting to brighten up a bit I have to admit although we still had a wicked frost this morning. Bring on March I say πŸ™‚

  5. I’m completely with you on blueberries WITH pancakes but not IN pancakes. They just add smush, not flavor, when they’re cooked in, and I love a good doughy pancake. I just make carrot and blueberry muffins with the blueberries in ’em, it was a mistake. Should have had the two separately. Although they were still pretty tasty.

  6. I love the look of those cookies! I cannot wait for the spring either!

  7. We’re sure having spring weather! Tornadoes, thunderstorms, and humidity like always. It’s been unusually warm all winter, though..

  8. It felt like spring here last year, but then it got cold again today 😦 No good!

  9. Jamie Walker says:

    MMM, best way to enjoy pancakes EVER is with fresh blueberries on top!

  10. Errign says:

    Those cookies look amazing πŸ™‚ Yum! It’s definitely not spring in these parts!

  11. Urgh – I like to get at least 7 hours sleep a night now I’m getting older … I don’t know how I did it when I was at uni (I took lots of naps I think).
    Those cookies look delicious – you more than deserved them after that ride πŸ™‚

  12. I keep feeling like it’s getting closer to spring. The days feel longer already, and the sun is starting to rise earlier πŸ™‚ Those cookies look scrumptious πŸ™‚

  13. The cookies look tasty, I’ll have to try them! I swear, it felt like snow here yesterday, but today it’s supposed to be in the 50’s! Crazy!

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