Golden days

I’ve been rubbish at blogging lately.

I don’t think it’s any coincidence though that it’s been the best summer we’ve had for about seven years.

Bright, blazing, beautiful days, gold and green, under vast skies, the bluest you’ve ever seen, fading into long, soft evenings. The scents of honeysuckle and new hay and warm rain on hot ground; short quiet nights with the windows wide open, bright shimmering mornings which promise heat – I wish I could keep it all safe, against the winter.

I’ve just had a week off work, which was perfectly timed as far as the weather goes! But even though it still feels like summer during the day, it’s chilly at night, the light’s gone sooner; autumn’s on its way.

I’ve been doing loads with THWWN, going to shows again, which has been brilliant. He looks so shiny and well, and is loving living outside 24 hours a day – but he also seems to love rolling his forelock up in giant burrs to do a unicorn impression:

And of course, I’ve been doing some baking, including this:

A Mickey Mouse cake for my goddaughter’s third birthday. I used this sponge recipe, adding 2tbsp. cocoa mixed with 4tbsp hot water, filled with buttercream with melted white chocolate added and iced with this icing. I drew Mickey’s face, traced it on to rolled-out white icing and used black icing and food colouring to decorate.

I’ve been making the most of the raspberries, blueberries and mulberries grown by my mum and dad, as well as runner beans, courgette and other veg – my food shopping costs so much less in summer!

How have you been enjoying these beautiful days?

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7 Responses to Golden days

  1. runningcupcake says:

    Wow that cake looks fantastic!
    I have been loving the summer too the weather has been wonderful!

  2. That cake is so adorable! She is a lucky girl!

  3. Incredible cake, Eleanor! I’ve missed you and glad that you’re enjoying your summer…the photos are lovely! THWNN is looking just gorgeous! Things are good here…heading out on our cross country trip in about 2 weeks…I’m crazed! But I’ll get it all done. Take care!

  4. Omg what a cool cake! You are truly amazing hehe.
    Yeah this summer has been brilliant, hasn’t it? So sunny and lovely!
    And THWWN does look very shiny, doesn’t he? 🙂

  5. Nice to see a post from you!

  6. What an amazing cake!

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